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Monetizing Your Programs and Products

Monetizing your programs and products involves two things: Not missing any natural opportunity to add monetization and thinking outside the box. It also depends on sharing – how effectively you inspire people to share your content and how many of the right audience members you can reach.

Here are four ways to help you boost your program and product monetization more effectively.

Understand the Power of Facebook Groups

If you have a membership program or course, the most important thing to do is add a Facebook Group for your members or students. Use it deal with:

  • simple customer service issues
  • get feedback, answer questions and create instant
  • create Facebook Live videos
  • easy polls

Make your Facebook group a closed group: A perk for paying members only.

Position it as a chance for your followers and subscribers to gain personal access to you. Then make sure you turn up and engage. The small amount of time you invest checking and responding to your Facebook group is important. It will bond them to you more strongly than any other tactic. A bonus to monetizing programs!

Use Facebook Groups to Find Hot Topics

Using keywords to search for Facebook Groups is really quick way to find out which topics are blazing-hot in your niche or field. Use a specific topic-based keyword, plus “group” and any other relevant keyword (such as “support”).

If there are multiple highly-active groups coming up in your search results plan ahead. Start planning to create a product or program around that topic right now. Then, start researching further. (Remember also to scan the “Discover” feature when you click on the “Groups” hyperlink in Facebook’s left-hand, vertical menu.) Tip two in monetizing programs.

Keep Up with the Latest Social Media Changes

You thought internet marketing was changing quickly, the last few years? Well, thanks to significant and life-changing or society-changing events, social media – that mainspring of internet marketing engagement tactics – is changing even faster than before.

Save Time

Save yourself time keeping up with the changes. Instead of following every single social media platform blog for the latest news, just subscribe to and read Social Media Examiner instead. You’ll find out what’s hot, what’s no longer not, and what’s new – often for all social media platforms – within the same article. Then you can choose which news items to check out further, based on how much they are going to affect your marketing strategies. Always have a plan when monetizing programs.

Create Review Videos for Affiliate Products

Don’t just blog about affiliate products you promote as upsells or cross-promotions: Make video reviews, post them on YouTube and embed them in your blog.

Try creating them in a Facebook Live feed – they’ll be automatically saved to your YouTube channel, and since you’ll really be talking directly to your people in it, it will feel even more personalized and ‘real’.


There is no greater fulfilment than seeing happy people return regularly because they trust you to make their lives better and get it right. That’s the real secret of retaining repeat customers that are happy to spread the word!


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